Jayda's Carrrrrrd


♥ TOS + FAQ ♥

please read through this page before requesting a commission. information is subject to change without notice.LAST UPDATED: 4.27.2024

Terms of Service


By purchasing my services (art), You, the Client, automatically agree to the following conditions.❥ Commissions are accepted under the assumption that You, the Client, have read through and understood the Terms of Service (TOS), FAQ and other information pertinent to my work.❥ I, the Artist, am not responsible for replacing a lost commission once you have confirmed that the digital file was received.❥ I, the Artist, am not responsible for any mistakes made by You, the Client, over the course of the transaction.❥ My definitions of commercial use versus personal use is subject to change without notice.Paypal Disclaimer:
❥ All of my sales are "Digital Artwork" and it is the Artwork’s "Intellectual Property" that is purchased by You, the Client.
❥ Nothing is ever intended by either me or the Client, to be physically shipped to them.❥ I am not required ever to ship any item unless it was explicitly discussed beforehand.VGen Disclaimer
❥ Modifications to this Terms of Service were made on my VGen profile, but these terms are effectively the same regardless of where they are viewed.
❥ "Final Deliverables" of the Client's commission will only be made through VGen and not through email.Violation of any of part of my TOS will result in an indefinite blacklisting of the client.


❥ Any and all commissioned work by me may NOT be used for or associated with any form of non fungible tokens (NFTs) or cryptocurrency.
You, the client, will not use any of my commissioned work(s) for anything related to NFTs and or cryptocurrencies under any circumstances.
Any and all commissioned work by me may NOT be used for AI purposes and alike.
You, the client, will not be using and or uploading my artwork to any websites or engines associated with AI work to any degree under any circumstances.
Full payment is requested up front after an initial draft is sent when details are agreed upon.
Payment plans may be requested by the client. These will be formed on a case by case basis.
No refunds will be issued for commission work cancelled by the client after the half way mark has been confirmed.Clients will be notified before a half way finished draft is sent. Please see my FAQ for more information on refunds.All artwork will be sent via email with a small watermark signed across a part of the character.
Credits must also be made back to me by either tagging or linking to my Instagram or Twitter profile (@kit_tle).
All payments are in USD $ and will be done through PayPal Invoices.
A screenshot of your payment due must be sent, and I will confirm that it has been received as a "receipt".
The PayPal account used to fulfill the commission payment must belong solely to You, the Client.
If you knowingly use a shared PayPal account, with or without permission, you are prohibited from ordering a commission from me. No exceptions.
Issuing chargebacks due to your dissatisfaction that are not first addressed to me are prohibited under any circumstances.If there are issues with either the commission or payment, please let me know first. I will do my best to resolve the issue.If for any reason your PayPal account malfunctions or authorizes a refund request without your knowledge, you must contact me as soon as possible in order to resolve the issue.
You are required to contact me when you need to cancel a commission request. Depending on your specific case, you may or may not be refunded.
Purposefully issuing a chargeback without contacting me to cancel/refund a project will result in immediate blacklisting for you as well as your email address, and anyone sharing your PayPal account, including side accounts.
You will be banned from commissioning me for any future work indefinitely. You are still obligated to pay for the commission, unless stated otherwise after submitting a dispute to PayPal.
In the case that you win the PayPal dispute and successfully issue a chargeback, you hereby relinquish all usage rights back to me. You will not be able to use my artwork under any circumstances.



You, the Client, are expected to first read my TOS and Commission Prices before requesting commission work.You, the Client, may display my work on external sites as long as it is visibly credited and linked back to me.You may not upload or host my work in any gallery that is intended to display your own work only.You may not claim my work as your own.You may use the Artwork for personal use including but not limited to: avatars, phone or computer wallpapers, and personal website/profile displays.You reserve the right to print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of the Artwork as long as it is for your PERSONAL use only (ie. NOT for sale).You may not use the Artwork for redistribution or external projects, commercial or non-commercial (i.e. t-shirts, mugs, public flyers, etc.) unless otherwise discussed.You are NOT authorized to change, modify, edit or use my works without my permission.You are NOT authorized to trace over my Artwork in any way, including the use of the artwork as a “base.”Clients who have commissioned and/or received work before this TOS has gone into effect are still bound to its contents.Clients are permitted to include their own signatures and/or watermarks in addition to mine.❥ As of May 2024, You are to post the doubly watermarked version of my work where both my signature and logo mark are clearly visible. Artwork that has only been signed is for personal use only. This does not apply to commissions that do not possess my logo mark from before May 2024.Any harassment in an attempt to bargain for a commission (a ‘slot’) is not tolerated. This includes inappropriately worded comments on my profile, as well as private messages. I reserve the right to place anyone on the blacklist over harassment.In the case of an adoptable, you retain the rights to the character design and usage of the original design illustration sheet with respect to the purchased usage rights.


By commissioning me, you are purchasing my service as an artist only.I, the artist, reserve the right to post your finished artwork in my gallery for any reason.I reserve the right to refund you the full amount paid if I no longer wish to work on your project for any reason.
In the case that I decide to cancel your commission, once refunded, you may NOT use any of my drafts at any time for any purpose(s).



❥ You, the client, are to credit and/or link back to either my Instagram or Twitter profile on every platform where my work will be shown. The information should be easily accessible to read.
This can be either a pinned post, a credit line in your profile's description box, on a stream profile, etc. (credit: @kit_tle)
❥ You, the client, must disclose any deadline(s), if any, relevant to my work.
Once a deadline is established, then it cannot be rushed once I've started working on the commission.
❥ You must specify at the time of request if you'd like to have a high resolution file (300 DPI), otherwise a resolution of 72 DPI will be sent.
You cannot request a high resolution file after I've started the commission. Please be sure that the dimensions you requested are sufficient for your intended use(s).


❥ I, the artist, will not resell / merchandise my artwork(s) where the client has purchased any tier of commercial use.❥ I, the artist, retain the right to post my artwork(s) to my portfolio for self-promotion purposes only. Credits to the client will always be noted on social media platforms where appropriate.


COPYRIGHT is hereby defined as the right and protections I, the artist, have over my artwork.
These rights allow me to reuse, redistribute, reproduce and sell my artwork for commercial projects. I may also use my artwork for my portfolio as sample work and for self-promotion.
You are responsible for protecting your ownership over rights to your character design.
Note: In the case where I do not own the character and/or their design:
I will credit back to the appropriate owner on all social media platforms I intend on posting to.
I will not reuse, redistribute, reproduce or sell the commissioned artwork for my own commercial projects.
COMMERCIAL RIGHTS are hereby defined as rights that I, the artist, may grant over the use, redistribution, reproduction and selling of my artwork. Clients may buy commercial rights, but they do NOT hold claim over the artwork's copyright.PERSONAL USAGE is hereby defined as artwork commissioned with no current or future intent of being used for profit or mass production.COMMERCIAL USAGE includes, but is not limited to the following: streaming and streaming assets, prints and other merchandise, promotional artwork.

feel free to ask me questions via instagram, vgen, or twitter direct message about any specifics if they are not covered here! i will do my best to respond to questions within 48 hours.


❥ colored initial draft sent + adjustments (if applicable) ❥ full commission payment received ❥ basic rendering and shadows ❥ half-complete draft sent + adjustments (if applicable) ❥ detailed render and final touches ❥ final draft preview sent + adjustments (if applicable) ❥ final artwork sent to client via email OR VGen deliverables

Frequently Asked Questions


❥ Is it alright if I edit or allow others to edit your art?
If you wanna play with some color sliders, or if you want to make filtered changes, I don't mind at all!
However, I do NOT permit direct changes that alter my artwork. This means drawing on top of it, cropping or blurring certain parts, etc. Please ask me if you're unsure if whether or not something is okay with me, I'm always more than happy to answer!❥ Okay okay, the finished art and everything looks beautiful and perfect!! Except no it doesn't, will you change XYZ for me?
Short answer, no.
After I send the initial draft, I'll ask If I need to make any major or minor adjustments. At the halfway draft, I will ask again if I need to make minor adjustments.Note: Up to four (4) draft revisions made during the initial stage will be free. More draft revisions at the initial drafting stage or major changes requested at the halfway point will be charged for "Draft Revisions" (see Pricing).
I will NOT accept any requests for major changes when a final preview is sent. The purpose of this preview is for minor corrections only (e.g. color correction and missing small details).
❥ What are "major changes" and how do they differ from "Additional Details" ?
Major changes include, but are not limited to: a different pose, a different background, a different commission or canvas size, etc. I will let you know if adjustments count as major changes before I make them.
Major changes imply that the initial draft is being modified, where as Additional Details are requested upfront before the initial draft is sent. You can be charged for both, one, or neither.❥ What are you okay with drawing? Are there any limits on what you can draw?
I will draw: Girly characters, humans / humanoids, animal / monster features, chibis, some blood and/or gore, etc.
I will NOT draw: NSFW, extreme blood and/or gore, muscular characters, mecha, anthros / animals, etc.
Note: Things I will not draw are because I'm not confident in my ability to draw such. Please understand that I may reject your commission if I believe your character falls outside of the scope of what I can draw confidently.❥ I can't commission you right now. Can I be added to a waitlist?
In general, yeah ! Just ask !!
I will message everyone on the waitlist with respect to their place in line, and notify each of you when a slot opens based on your place.
If a slot opens and you cannot accept the slot at the time, I will move onto the next person in line. Your position in line will change at my discretion.
I reserve the right to remove people from my waitlist if no response is given within a timely manner judged at my discretion.❥ Is everyone on the waitlist guaranteed a commission slot?
Kind of, but not necessarily.
I generally open slots for commissions only during the summer of each year, referred to as "batches". I will notify those on the waitlist ahead of time if I cannot get to your commission request during the current batch, but you may choose to stay on the waitlist for the next batch.However, if you change the character and/or commission type requested from your form by the time of the new batch, you will lose your spot on the waitlist and need to resubmit your commission form.First order priority will be those from the waitlist of the last batch, followed by returning patrons, and lastly by new commission requests.
Note: Priority order will also be subject to changes.


❥ I don't have a Paypal. Is there any other method I can pay for a commission?
No, I will be using Paypal exclusively for the time being. However, VGen offers clients the ability to make transactions through their services without a Paypal. Please order my commissions through VGen if applicable!
❥ Can I pay in a currency that is not $ USD?
Technically, I can only accept payments in the form of $ USD via Paypal Invoices. All commission prices are listed in $ USD, but you may be able to pay in your own currency provided that the transaction is automatically converted.
You are responsible for knowing your currency's conversion rate at the time of paying for a commission.❥ When will I receive an invoice or request link to pay for the commission?
Upon sending the initial draft, I will ask if there are any changes I should first do. When the initial draft is to your liking, I will send an invoice via Paypal for the total commission amount due. When I confirm that your payment is received, only then will I start working on the commission.
I expect payment within two (2) weeks of sending the invoice. Failure to pay without notifying me ahead of time will result in cancelling your commission. Please also provide a receipt (screenshot) of when you've completed your payment.For VGen Clients: due to the current structure of VGen, I must issue an invoice at the time of proposal. You are not obligated to immediately pay off your balance until you have received the initial sketch from me. You may also request for "milestone" based payments through VGen, rather than paying full up front.❥ How will refunds be issued?
Refunds will only be issued under these circumstances:
- If I, the Artist, no longer wish to work on a commission after the full payment was received, then I will refund the full commission price total paid by You, the Client.- If I, the Artist, cannot finish a rush order commission by the agreed upon deadline then I will refund the rush order amount paid by You, the Client. I will not refund the full commission price, as I've already begun working on the commission.- If I, the Artist, cannot finish a non-rush order commission by the agreed upon deadline then I will refund half of the full commission price total paid by You, the Client. I will not refund the full commission price, as I've already begun working on the commission.- If You, the Client, wish to cancel your commission before the half-completed draft is sent, then I, the Artist, will refund up to half of the full commission price total paid by You.
The exact amount will vary based on the point of completion at my discretion and is nonnegotiable.
Under no other circumstances will I issue any kind of refund for a commission.


❥ Is there any way for my commission to be completed faster?
Yes, and no...
I won't accept commission deadlines I know I can't finish. I'm happy to work with deadlines, provided that it's a minimum of two (2) months notice in advance from when I receive the request date. Every week below the minimum date of notice will increase the total balance by an additional 30% for each week as a rush order fee.
Example: A deadline due one month from the request date will be charged an additional 150% of their total commission fee (5 weeks x 30%). For a $100 USD commission, this rush order fee would increase the total to $250 USD
But please don't just throw a deadline or rush order request at me for the sake of wanting finished art faster. I spend time on each of my commissions to meet my own standards of quality where I can be proud of what I put out. Some commissions take a couple weeks, but some can take several months. However, I do my best to communicate with my clients to ensure they are never confused about when they'll receive their commission !❥ How long until I can expect my illustration commission / animated commission?
For Classic Illustrations:
I do my best to have artwork finished 3-5 weeks from when I receive payment. However, larger and more complex artworks can take me much longer, ranging from 3-4 months. Please understand that I am a student with a frequently changing schedule that dictates my workflow.
Upon request, I'll provide updates on the status of your commission. I'll also let you know ahead of time if I think I need more time for commissions without a deadline.
For Animated Illustrations
Based on several factors of each individual commission, the timeline for each animation can highly vary. Simple animations usually tack on an additional week in order to properly prepare the artwork for rigging. Depending on the length of the animation, it may take several days to complete the animation alone.

feel free to ask me any other questions through direct messaging on instagram, vgen, or twitter. i will do my best to respond to questions within 48 hours.


Base Prices

❥ Portraits: $45
Portraits are drawn from the bust and above.
❥ Half-Bodies: $75
Half Bodies are drawn from the thighs and above.
❥ Full-Bodies: $100
Full Bodies will include the FULL BODY (with feeties).
❥ PNG Tuber: $240
Half Body with mouth open toggle

Additional Pricing

❥ Objects / Props: + $10-15 | $15-20 | $25-30
Prices are listed for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.
The range listed is to accommodate for a bigger or more complex object / prop. The price may increase depending on the number of objects / props requested. Examples of objects / props are things like flowers, books, weapons that are drawn along with the character.
❥ Additional Character(s): + $25 | $35 | $50
Prices are listed for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.
The prices are ~1/2 of the base commission price. This will apply for up to two (2) additional characters (maximum limit of three (3) total characters per commission order).
❥ Specific Details & Overflow Revisions: + $15 | $25 | $35
Prices listed are for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.
Additional details mean that you're paying for extra effort to be put into the commission as a whole. This could mean scenic lighting for a bust shot, a specific expression to be drawn, a specific pose request, etc.
Note: Several (4+) revisions made during the initial drafting may result in this fee to compensate for my extra time and effort made on the commission.
❥ Background: + $40 | $60
Prices are listed for ONLY half bodies and full bodies, respectively.
These prices may increase or decrease depending on the complexity of the background requested. Please note that solid / gradient / transparent backgrounds are free upon request!

Extended Canvas Sizing

SD1600 x 900+ $10 | $15 | Free
HD1920 x 1080+ $20 | $25 | $30
4K UHD3640 x 2160+ $30 | $35 | $40
A4 Print2480 x 3506+ $40 | $60 | $80

Prices are listed for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.

❥ If no specific canvas is requested, the standard canvas size is 1024 x 1024 (px)❥ A4 Print @ 300dpi resolution ; all others @ 72dpi unless requested otherwise❥ Other size options and their respective prices may be discussed

Commercial Pricing

Level 1Promotional Art on Social Media+ 30% of Subtotal
Level 2Streaming / Paywall Content / Business Cards + Level 1+ 100% of Subtotal
Level 3Reproduction / Merchandising + Level 1 & 2+ 300% of Subtotal

❥ The commission subtotal is first calculated by adding the base price and add-ons. This amount is multiplied by the respective tier percentage, and then added to the original subtotal for the final price calculation.

other not listed content may be covered by one of these tiers, so please let me know if you have any questions! i will do my best to respond to questions via instagram or twitter direct message within 48 hours.


Base Price for Lined Animation

❥ Portraits: $75
Portraits are drawn from the bust and above.
❥ Half-Bodies: $150
Half Bodies are drawn from the thighs and above.
❥ Full-Bodies: $225
Full Bodies will include the FULL BODY (with feeties).

Base Price for Painted Animation

❥ Portraits: $125
Portraits are drawn from the bust and above.
❥ Half-Bodies: $200
Half Bodies are drawn from the thighs and above.
❥ Full-Bodies: $275
Full Bodies will include the FULL BODY (with feeties).

Additional Pricing

❥ Objects / Props: + $20-30 | $30-40 | $40-50
Prices are listed for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.
The range listed is to accommodate for a bigger or more complex object / prop. The price may increase depending on the number of objects / props requested. Examples of objects / props are things like flowers, books, weapons that are drawn along with the character.
❥ Specific Details & Overflow Revisions: + $20 | $30 | $40
Prices listed are for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.
Additional details mean that you're paying for extra effort to be put into the commission as a whole. This could mean scenic lighting for a bust shot, a specific expression to be drawn, a specific pose request, etc.
Note: Several (4+) revisions made during the initial drafting may result in this fee to compensate for my extra time and effort made on the commission.
❥ Background: + $60 | $80
Prices are listed for ONLY half bodies and full bodies, respectively.
These prices may increase or decrease depending on the complexity of the background requested. Please note that solid / gradient / transparent backgrounds are free upon request!

Extended Canvas Sizing

SD1600 x 900Free of Charge
HD1920 x 1080+ $30 | $60 | $90
4K UHD3640 x 2160+ $80 | $160 | $240

Prices are listed for portraits | half bodies | full bodies, respectively.

❥ If no specific canvas is requested, the standard canvas size is 1000 x 1000 (px)❥ Painted animations may be priced higher at my discretion depending on complexity❥ Animations will be approximately 6 seconds long unless otherwise requested; this may incur additional fees depending on complexity❥ Other size options and their respective prices may be discussed.

Commercial Pricing

Level 1Promotional Art on Social Media+ 30% of Subtotal
Level 2Streaming / Paywall Content / Business Cards + Level 1+ 100% of Subtotal
Level 3Reproduction / Merchandising + Level 1 & 2+ 300% of Subtotal

❥ The commission subtotal is first calculated by adding the base price and add-ons. This amount is multiplied by the respective tier percentage, and then added to the original subtotal for the final price calculation.

other not listed content may be covered by one of these tiers, so please let me know if you have any questions! i will do my best to respond to questions via instagram or twitter direct message within 48 hours.




dont look im embarrased teehee